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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-10 09:10:33 » #2107559

Just how much do you need to cum to fill up a pair of boots?

0 Points Flag
tertiumsquid commented at 2017-03-10 15:12:44 » #2107695

Let's do the math:

The average volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2 to 5ml. Let's take the statistical mean value of 3.5ml as our volume per cum.

I couldn't find any statistics on how much liquid a boot can hold, but Thinkgeek happens to sell a boot-shaped and sized beer glass, which holds 2.7 litres of beer, so I'm using that as the volume we need to fill.

2700ml divided into cums of 3.5ml comes to 771.4 ejaculations per boot (glass), or 1542.8 cums to fill the pair.

This doesn't take into account that the volume of each ejaculation will decrease after multiple loads are delivered in short succession, so this would take quite a bit of time. I'd suggest getting 1500-odd friends to help out.

3 Points Flag
Retropretzel commented at 2017-03-13 12:03:09 » #2108579

Cute belly! :>

1 Points Flag