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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-17 05:25:33 » #2109889

What a cutie.

8 Points Flag
mtg_wolfie commented at 2018-04-17 22:59:12 » #2230278

She really is. I enjoy artists work like these. Gives me cause to think. As another user pointed out, while her teeth could cause damage, her head is the wrong shape to really kill. Given that, and her prehensile feet, similar to a monkeys, she likely spends a fair amount of time hanging from ceilings. Given her pale skin, that's likely in caves, away from sunlight, but not deep earth, as she still has eyes. She probably ventures out at night.

Taking into account her tail, it seems prehensile as well, so akin to snakes, she could probably use it to detect smaller prey in caves and forests while hanging. She may even be able to use it as a whip, of sorts, to paralyze and/or kill said prey, though it seems she would use it primarily for mobility.

Going back to her teeth, they'd be more out pointed and likely curved back more, similar to a cat or dog if she ate larger prey, requiring multiple bites. Given that they're strictly aimed back, I'd wager it's likely she's closer to a snake, and just shallows the prey whole, relying on her teeth more to keep them in. Than actually chewing. Then again, she has two sets, so it's possible she's designed to feed on anything she can get. Regardless, given the shape of them we can see, I'm also wagering she's almost strictly carnivorous, so I think assuming leaving out veggies and fruits would be fine.

Given her apparent speed here, I'm thinking she's probably fast, rather than strong. Another sign of an ambush predator. And another sign of smaller prey.

But hey, I could be wrong.

18 Points Flag
ninja_twinkies commented at 2020-07-22 16:20:54 » #2553465


Now the real question is, how can it be applied in the bedroom?

1 Points Flag