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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-08 16:47:50 » #2117180

They actually did a pretty alright job in this movie. Batou was probably my favorite in the film

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-08 17:18:24 » #2117189

The original is much more interesting.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-08 21:40:53 » #2117265

All the talk of white washing distracts from the fact that the Plot is garbage. They had such a great plot to use from the original movie, but when with cliche garbage of "you're being lied to by your boss."

1 Points Flag
dave1912 commented at 2020-01-05 00:46:16 » #2476961

Visualy, the movie nailed it. It IS a perfect visual representation of the original movie. BUT, it ends there. The original movie has a soul, a theme, and everything that happens in the story revolves around that theme. The Hollywood version... just doesn't have that. It lacks focus and add too many unecessary stuff that makes everything a mess. It is a shell with no ghost within.

2 Points Flag
akx669 commented at 2023-12-31 20:50:06 » #2854797

It's one of the worst movies ever made and "Motoko's" cross-eyed caucasian body was so distracting, terrible actress

0 Points Flag