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Omni_Slayer commented at 2017-04-16 01:30:22 » #2119631

If only the world was this progressive.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-16 04:10:04 » #2119668

I wouldn't use the term "progressive", myself.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-16 10:13:18 » #2119728

Don't worry, in developing nations and rural Argentina, this kind of thing happens. I'll warn you, some of it is 'consensual' school kid baby-making, and some of it is vile, repugnant rape.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-16 10:48:16 » #2119733

Yeah no, there's no way they only do it once a day, they'd be doing it as much as they could, so it'd look more like 12 times a week.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-17 15:31:25 » #2120064

In the real world, there's no such thing as 6-year-olds who can cum, so this wouldn't happen whether it was "progressive" or not.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-18 02:03:19 » #2120238

They're 5th graders tho', so he's at least 10.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-18 05:57:31 » #2120278

The girl can come though. And sometimes precocious boys can generate some semen.

2 Points Flag
Omni_Slayer commented at 2017-04-19 03:17:48 » #2120630

In a sufficiently developed modern society sexual taboos would be a thing of the past and a sight like this would be a lot more common. Though they would likely be in a polygamous relationship since I imagine monogamy would become less and less popular over time as outdated religious "values"fall to the wayside.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-20 06:25:13 » #2120998

5th grade would be around the age of 10-12, which is when girls usually start ovulating. there aren't many girls who ovulate at a younger age, but it is possible.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-20 06:25:40 » #2120999

if only they were brother and sister

10 Points Flag