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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-19 23:20:39 » #2120916

I can't explain it, no matter how much of a kick I get on for any hentai girl, I always come back to Asagi in the end. She really is the sexiest hentai character ever created.

6 Points Flag
ukuna_matata commented at 2017-11-20 05:41:00 » #2185364

Have to strongly disagree with you right there Anon Asagi is fine but your blatant ignorance of that statement needed to be called out , all of them were created with a "Sexy appeal" in mind you just being shallow in your opinion.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-05 16:00:29 » #2189958

^lul lookit this man take such offense. I think anon 1 must have insulted his waifu by exclusion or some shit. why else get so bent outta shape over a guy having a fave?
>>Gettin serious about interbutz hentai is when you know you're too far gone

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-16 18:56:34 » #2212440

I have to agree to some degree. There are a lot of cool sexy/cute ecchi/hentai-styled girls but Asagi is a pretty badass one because she also has a ton of weapon variety and cool armor sets along with a somewhat traditional asian colour scheme.

3 Points Flag