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ViperVice commented at 2017-04-21 18:07:54 » #2121500

I'm having a hard time telling if this is some new fetish in Japan or just plain emotional. Either way it is kind of hard to watch.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-22 00:11:05 » #2121603

One time I watched a lesbian porn scene where they had the two people talking. Turns out, they had more than just known/fucked each other. They had been on and off lovers, and had a real screwed up relationship because one of them cannot imagine being married to any gender other than a man, and in fact was(I say was because this scene is years old by now) so.

They had just very, very recently began talking to each other as it seems like the conversations eventually wind up coming back to that roadblock. The sex scene itself was... This was very personal, intimate. They were legit crying at the end.

They should have tossed it in the trash and/or given the two women copies of it. This was not something the public needed to see. It was... It was too private. It was not meant for our eyes.

This video and the comment above me reminded me of it. I don't like thinking of it. I never like thinking of it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-22 00:31:40 » #2121611

All of this is uncomforting

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