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Tony_SSS commented at 2017-04-23 09:49:46 » #2122013

Decensored by: Genkouhande
This is my decensor request I made for him when I was chatting with him on his Discord group via DM, and I basically choose this image radomly first using the Random Thing Picker (because I didn't even know what franchise to choose from my messy brain lol), wrote some franchises I love and other stuff and I got "Some random JRPG". So I went to Wikipedia where there was a list of them and choosing one still at random, I came up with God Eater. So I finally went to Danbooru, searching for censored God Eater fanart and pressed the Random Post button (wished that even this Booru had one ;_;) and I came up with this image for him to decensor, and it looks so beautiful.
(Sorry for the long explanation guys, but I had to do it lol)

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