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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-21 02:46:11 » #2141712

There's a blackie in this you know just sayin. Nothin wrong with that right.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-21 05:10:20 » #2141737

I bet these are all the same male model he just changed the skin color to please his paying crowd. He seems to be going down that generic SFM route where there's a chocolate and vanilla version of everything even though all he does is change the skin color. Not that skin color should even matter to people, but whatever I'm not paying him so I got no say in what he does.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-06 14:10:56 » #2146442

If skin color shouldn't matter, then why are you complaining? Your statement should be amended to "Not that skin color should even matter to people, unless it's any color except white because it bothers me".

And why would changing the skin color change anything? The sex will still be the same, which is why a simple color change is enough to please most crowds.

5 Points Flag
ArisAllen commented at 2017-07-06 14:22:49 » #2146445

When you say "Not that skin color should even matter" and complain about the artist changing the colors in the same breath it's pretty obvious that you're actually saying "I don't like seeing non-white" in porn, and saying "wahhh appeal to me" to the artist rather than understanding that a significant amount of people like interracial and understanding the artist is playing the card that will make the most people happy rather than letting your own bias speak for you.

I bet you think people who like interracial are cucks too rather than just enjoying skin color contrast and not understanding there's a difference between raceplay and just plain interracial.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-22 02:51:08 » #2151272

I like interracial porn (a lot). I don't really care about the skin colors in this picture.

But it's easy to understand why Anon2 doesn't like cheap recolors to pander to an audience.
Why do you people feel like you have to virtue signal and call racism where there probably is none?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-09-11 07:40:25 » #2165903

I'm sorry, but I just cannot get into this guys animations. Patoots or whatever the fuck's face just looks so inhuman that I can't enjoy it. One of the rather hot animations she was in, she held her tongue out of her mouth with her fingers which just... fucking why? What is that supposed to add to the scene? Why does your seemingly only loli look like she's from a horror movie?

0 Points Flag
ignorantoftheshow commented at 2017-09-18 00:01:50 » #2167878

>> #2165903
It's called ahegao. Congrats, you're one of the few people who look at hentai that don't like it.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-29 02:23:51 » #2451866

It's weird because it looks like shit. I have nothing against black people as a whole because that's stupid, I have a problem with the aesthetic of shit dick. Everything else to do with them is purely personal and has nothing to do with racism.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-08 05:59:35 » #2478126

imagine getting this mad over porn, get a fucking life lmao

2 Points Flag