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Anonymous commented at 2010-05-30 15:29:04 » #317535

One mistake in this pic is the number of bad guys Although the Gillian is huge, Renji can take it down in a single hit and then start taking care of Byakuya. Now, I don't recognize many of the other characters on the good team, but anyone can tell this is an overkill for the good guys.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-07 17:09:40 » #325944

Guu could eat all of them...
There won't be a chance for any killing.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-30 15:12:28 » #419529

Well left wins, they got a death note(keanu reaves)

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-06 12:48:49 » #427640

menos grande MIGHT stand a chance against some of its enemies...otherwise Id hate to be on its team, its the second crappiest member. Light is the worst, he needs the characters names to kill, and though throughout the battle names will be shouted out, TRUNKS ARE YOU OKAY!? he will already have died for it to actually mattered.
Trunks and Vegeta wont fight eachother, so in a scenario where only those two are left, it automatically becomes a tie.
Renji will be the first to die, though he is one of my favorites, he will instantly go after Byakuya, and lose.(Fuck you too Byakuya! bitch beatin up on the Renji like that!) Another note on Byakuya is he will destroy many adversaries, in fact against most of the characters on the left, its actually a very fair fight, the left has some bitchin powerful people, while the right, though powerful, have characters that dont stand a chance against the majority of the left. (DBZ hyper speed and planet bust class, Bleach, hyper speed, and high powered, Gluttony will swallow anyone and anything and no matter who he gets ahold of they are auto dead IF (BIG BIG IF!) he gets ahold of him, and imagining this scenario, a team would know at least some of their allies abilities, so they would be smart to gaurd Gluttony, Sesshoumaru as much as I detest him and dont understand how or why he has such a large fan base is admittidly pretty damn powerful, but is still outmatched by many of his opponents, I dont think Ryuuk can even fight....so...hes out of the question, if he can it may only be against the Bleach characters, and they would more than likely beat him due to the obvious power scale. I fugin hate that faggot from naruto on the left, Sasuke, I must admit he has power, but still not enough to stand against DBZ characters or Bleach characters.
anyways Ive mostly criticized the left...so some criticism on the right.
Inuyasha, Renji, kuwabara, Naruto and a few of the others on the right would become easy targets due to either their fighting styles or the fact that they would simply throw themselves stupidly into the fight (kick ass as that is, they would get raped because of that in this fight) or they would start out targeting a single person, and so they can easily be counted out if their opponents fight smart (and since the majority of the intelligence based characters are on the left (Light, Frieza(if he keeps his cool), Byakuya, Sesshomaru, Cell, Ulqueera(lol like my spelling of it HAH! actually not even sure if i spelled queer right XD)....well that helps this ideology)
I dont know the bobobo characters, so I cant match them in this, but the One peice though powerful are easily outmatched. Characters like robot boy are pretty outmatched too, and probably wont be able to even hurt their enemies...
So basically, most of the characters from the right will be wiped out by the middle of the fight, including some of the strongest ones, only a few on the right will die early, also by mid fight Frieza will have lost his cool (multiple Super Saiya-jins there XD) and will have gone to 100%, at some point even if they gaurded Gluttony he will have died, so they will have been weakened considerably too, just about all (if not all) DBZ characters would be left (much to my dissapointment), there would be very few if any bleach characters left, Byakuya being the most likely survivor, and maybe Ichigo, though I find that unlikely since he is not the main character of this fight, so he wont randomly be able to kick slightly better ass than a few seconds ago (unlike Naruto where he randolmly becomes a billion times more powerful, Ichigo gets his ass kicked and even has to be saved sometimes, its more realistic, but he still has his moments of WTF POWER ATTACK!lol) and its still sad that the Full Metal Alchemist and his brother would have died at least by middle battle... that makes me wanna cry. I am not sure about the golden armor guys or the random flying red robot dude in the middle, (I know what the gold guys are from but Ive seen so few episodes I cant judge them) so Im just gonna say they fought valiantly and died.

I am not sure who would win though, im kinda rooting for the right, but I honestly think its a pretty even match up... (though as much as I hate friggin Death Note fans saying LIGHT WILL PWN ALL! HE CAN INSTANT KILL! if they can keep him alive, and since a most of the characters on the right know most of the characters on the left, if he had a list of their names, and knew their faces, he could kill them, (and Vegeta though not a smart fighter, SHOULD definantly give Light Gokus name, at least just incase but he wont, he will go one on one with Goku...so, yeah... Friggin retarded Vegeta might be the biggest downpoint in the left sides team. Even the Hollow will deal some major damage, because they can still hurt Captain level Shinigami) Its a hard call.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-27 08:57:57 » #451722

nvm about the above, Hiei wins, didn't notice him before somehow. but Hiei wins, he destroys them all.lol

0 Points Flag
AnimePimp commented at 2010-10-07 19:35:48 » #464227

As crazy as this seems. This fight would never be won. I agree with the Anon that has the huge essay. most will be dead but Trunks and Vegeta couldnt fight eachother. If anything they'd be the last two standing. And some of those on the evil side don't even belong. The Sayians would be the very few that stay alive though. A matter of fact all of them would. No other characters in this pic can blow up a whole planet.

3 Points Flag
AnimePimp commented at 2010-10-07 19:48:41 » #464238

I also believe this is what will happen:
First the one piecers will probably kill Light, since they don't have a enemy on the evil side. Ryuk wouldnt care. And he'd just dissapear.
Gluttony eats Jelly Jiggler.
Ed and Al take of Gluttony, Gluttony will probably die.
Ulquirra will kill Ichigo and Renji since he knows them better then anyone else in this pic.
Trunks will end up fighting Ulquiorra, seeing his power and it would be a tough match.
Cell and Frieza would cause a massive hell to the good side killing almost half of it off. including the one piecers.Ed and Al.Bo-bo-bo and gang.Yu yu Hakisho and gang.Guu/Hare Guu (etc.) So all there is left standing is the sayians.
Goku would do Father-Son Kamehameha with Gohan to defeat Cell and Frieza at once.
Trunks and Ulquirroa are still going at it.
Naruto and Sasuke will be going at it. Deflecting Cell's and Frieza's mahem.
Vegeta will probably betray the evil side. And will sit there thinking about his son's safety. Looking at Gohan and Goku work together.
Byakuya will then take on one of the sayians. Probably Bardock or Gohan, Seeing their power.
Menos Grande would act as a huge wall. But Vegeta will finally betray the evil side saying "What the fuck am I doing fighting against my son?" And fuse with Goku and become Super Sayian 4 Gogeta and bam the good side wins.

4 Points Flag
AnimePimp commented at 2010-10-07 19:50:25 » #464243

Then Naruto will probably get pissed at Gogeta killing Sasuke. And then Gogeta and Kyuubi Naruto would fight. And Naruto gets killed. The end.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-10 21:53:38 » #467953

Sorry bout the huge essay lol animepimp (I really need to get an account >_> lol)
I wanted to add more but decided that summary was enough XD
I just was upset at the lack of logic people were using.
Oh Light would win because he can write down names really fast!
he cant dodge a beam of energy that is like ten miles wide (only a slight exagheration of most of those characters powers.
and he wouldnt be able to get into a safe zone before he died.
even the most wirthwhile characters may die early in that jumble up.
it really all depends on a million factors.

but if anyone noticed my heiei coment, I too can use false logic, heiei's dragon of the darkness flame would wipe them all out before anyone knew what happened.
see I can be unrealistic too!
Go Renji!

but we all know the guy who mentioned batman is right, the other guys dont see him either, he wins.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-13 04:45:02 » #470777

The guys wearing Golden Armors at front row are Milo, Mu and Aioria, from Saint Seiya. Motherfuckers can fight at/beyond the speed of light. Then there are also guys like Sayians there too?


2 Points Flag