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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-02 23:01:14 » #493150

everyone keeps overestimating the gillian and ulquiorra, yeah cuatro espada is fucking powerful, but he got killed

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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-02 23:02:26 » #493153

we need dio brando: WRYYYYYYYYYY!!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-09 17:02:43 » #500849

I have overestemated nothing, as you saw im my partially finished essay, I overestimate noones strength and underestimate noone. I recently finished watching deathnote, Light died too yet you failed to mention he has been overestimated, Goku has died numerous times, yet you failed to mention him being overestimated, if death were a reason for overestimated, than all beings are constantly being overestimated at all times.
also, if saying the gillian is a good meat shield (as everyone who mentioned it basically has) is overestimating, id hate to see what else you consider overestimating.
besides as you said Ulquiorra is f'ing powerful. to deny that would be a flaw on anyones part. he has some amazing strength. I dont really like him in general (and am quite glad for him to have died) but even I wont deny his strength.
and I believe I may have seen saint Seiya at some point or another...it at least sounds familiar. and if they fight at/beyond the speed of light, they probably have the greatest chance to take out any of the Dragon ball based characters, as I dont believe even at their peak power they were ever considered to be able to fight at the speed of light. but then its been forever since I watched the series, ive gone back and started rewatching it, seeing as how I just finished the yu yu hakusho series again, along with ALL of the Tenchi Muyo series...

oh and to those who mentioned the death god eyes for light yagami...your a bunch of idiots, he was very muchly against decreasing his lifespan even in the worst of situations...in the end he was an overzealous idiot, he could have played the end episode out alot better if he hadnt been so ready to win.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-10 00:21:26 » #501268

Okay first off goku and gohan are on the good side.They automatically win this whole fight because frieza will die like it's nothing.light will die since he just is that slow,sasuke will get punched and blow up same for everyone else.I mean it's fucking goku he is a dragon ball z character he can beat any anime that isent dragon ball z and second of all Good ALWAYS Wins over evil every time so saying the evil side will win is stupi

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legendaryhoodnigga commented at 2011-01-07 22:49:37 » #573919

Wow this fight is one sided you got bobobo there the gold saints who move faster then light and have crazy powes could likely take this.

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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-14 21:42:40 » #581868

I spot HIRUMA *fangirl squeel*

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TheSovereign commented at 2011-02-18 01:01:46 » #624271

Meh, as long as Frieza, Cell, Vegeta, Byakuya protect Light. Evil dudes win

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-07 17:07:36 » #645900

hmmm anon who says saying the good side will lose is stupid should think of losing this logic using the simple logic of "good will always triumph" to "reality is a bitch" If you actually consider the variables the "bad" side has a good chance of winning also, though less likely admittidly, but if you use realistic ideas instead of good wins because, end of story, than you have a good fight on your hands..
and dbz isnt as awesome as your making it out dude, love the series, but they can't "beat anything that isn't Dragon Ball Z"
Yes light will die, as will Sasuke, that is a given, there are no correct calculations that could say either of them make it out alive from the position they are standing.
Another thing your failing to take into acount is the power type each character uses, just because a DBZ character can deflect ki does not mean they can deflect "spirit energy" though in essence their the same, in theory they are not. and theory wins against essence in this case.
As for one thing, Heiei (or however you spell his damn name) has already started his dragon of the darkness flame, and in fact there are a few finishing moves being initiated as is, both sides are about to see some heavy damage. I garuntee you in fact, that the last survivor of this battle is not going to be the strongest, the fastest, or the smartest, nor the most able, nor the most efficient.

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BluwBurryPimp commented at 2011-03-08 04:54:18 » #646549

I noticed roronoa ZORO.....is in his asura state.....way to go zoro.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-17 23:21:49 » #698881

Byakuya, Vegeta, Sesshoumaru, Frieza, Cell, Ryuk and Ulquiorra are all that's needed for the left side to win... Just saying.

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