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averageguy01 commented at 2021-04-04 18:20:49 » #2603022

That's no joke. You are going to be swallowed and digested by your very own sister. Don't worry, she won't chew you up or anything. You'll be kept perfectly alive and healthy as you are swallowed whole and slowly slick down your sisters throat then dropped into her hungry belly. Regrettably, it's a one way trip. There will be no escaping once you are inside of her. But don't despair! You should be happy. Your sister is going to feel so good while she's digesting you. Your pitiful life will fill her with relief, satisfaction, and nutrients. Even though it will be brief, it's worth it give your sister this moment of fulfillment.

5 Points Flag
averageguy01 commented at 2021-04-04 18:37:28 » #2603028

Support the artist, 冬野みかん (Fuyuno Mikan).

2 Points Flag