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Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 09:44:30 » #2151663

Well, that was a neat shout out.

0 Points Flag
DragonMech commented at 2017-07-23 11:01:05 » #2151683

So the legendary super saiyan is strong enough to stand up against god power huh?


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Schmeck commented at 2017-07-23 13:34:13 » #2151720

I don't like the level of power implied here, but then I remember Goku is holding back because they'll be disqualified if they accidentally kill anyone.
and THEN I remember Krillin held his own against one of these god kamehamehas like the day before.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 14:08:53 » #2151728

Yeah, Goku wanted to try to stop her without resorting to using too much power, he needs as much stamina as he can against Hit and Jiren who are the real heavy hitters.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 14:19:18 » #2151730


Canon LSS, that is. Also Power Levels are bullshit again at its best.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 14:34:46 » #2151734

Wow, blue is really proving to be the most underwhelming super saiyan form so far. :/

Either that, or Beserker is even more hacked then LSSJ.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 14:38:38 » #2151736

Given how effortlessly Jiren jobbed her, I sense a new power-up/transformation coming.

0 Points Flag
Nafe commented at 2017-07-23 14:40:43 » #2151738

What I can't get is: Goku, who usually have a good handle of his opponents power level and uses enough strength to be equal or slightly above....misread her's so that his attacks didn't affect her.

And....he's suppose to go against Jiren who used just enough energy to knock her out without killing her in an instant. I wonder what kind of protag bs we can expect in Jiren vs Goku fight.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-07-24 20:01:59 » #2152061

How long I wonder until they slip in the "I am a devil!" line.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-24 20:53:45 » #2152072

Let's be completely honest here: This series doesn't seem concerned at all with power levels, and hasn't shown otherwise since the start. It's something Toriyama has always had a gripe with, as though it were a mistake to ever attempt, and maybe it was. While it belonged in Z's early stages, it really didn't "exist" there after. But it *did* give us an idea of how shit worked and who could take who. Now, without it, there's all sorts of room for suspense and intrigue in the fights.

The problem isn't power levels, its the execution. LSSJ, Canon LSSJ, Berskerer, ect... whatever it'll be known as most... its a throwback to Broly and everyone knows it. They obviously aren't hiding it. And that's cool. But frankly, none of the Super Saiyajin uses has had much impact or heart in this series. To many, they may be very cool and flashy and that's okay to think that. To others, they're knock-offs and bland and cheaply done, and that's fine, also. You can feel either way or both somehow, but this scene really wraps up what Super is, aims to be, and expects of us. They aren't aiming to bring back long battles, emotional exploits, balanced match ups we can easily swallow, or keep loyal to the nature of Z. That's just how it is.

If you're still watching the series by this point, for whatever reason, good or bad, there's just no way to miss all that. Super is really doing what it can to be its own thing, while also desperately trying to rope in the nostalgia. I'm not sure its a wise move, but its what they're doing and its not new, nor is it going to change. This is what Super is going to keep being, and scenes like this are made *just* so fans can bicker over it, for various reasons. Shameless or not, it certainly works.

TL;DR: This scene is a good example of just what Super is and has always been and likely will always be. Hate it. Love it. You'll probably still watch and they know it. Good or bad? I can't even say. I do miss decent battle damage, and unique battle locales though.

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