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castorman commented at 2017-07-25 18:51:34 » #2152321

二十秒から絶頂がとまらなくなり, その後はあまり覚えていませんが, 私は, 獣のような声で鳴いていました.
あまりにも気持がいいと, 女の子の体はえびぞりになろうとするんですね.
なわとびで足を縛られてましたが, 信じられないカでひきちぎってしまいました.

The first climax in the first 5 seconds spinning.
Life's first female ejaculation in 10 seconds.
From 20 seconds Climax no longer stops, then I do not remember much, I was singing in a beast-like voice.
If too much good feeling, Girl's body becomes overwhelmed.
Legs were tied with a jump rope, but incredible strength tore it off

Crap translation, feel free to improve, I'm bat at making nice sentences

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-16 02:04:16 » #2324494

(My rough translation)

She came for the first time in 5 seconds.
First squirt in ten seconds.
The ejaculation ceased from 20 seconds in and I did not remember much after that, but she was howling like a beast.
If she feels too good her body easily become overwhelmed.
I tied her up with a rope with a jump rope, but she has incredible power.

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