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DragonMech commented at 2017-07-27 01:40:56 » #2152706

The thing is it probably would work that way. Goku got is God Ki from Videl's unborn child.

Though I still don't know how Vegeta pulled it off. Because he was nearby?

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LivingCorpse commented at 2017-07-27 01:45:39 » #2152707

Ki flows in in everyone and everything. We are born with it and when we die it returns to the world, so it seems natural that Ki flows from body to body. It makes sense when you think about it, Goku's spirit bomb for example uses Ki from other sources as well, not just his own.

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LivingCorpse commented at 2017-07-27 02:02:03 » #2152716

That being said, she probably just wants him to knock her up so she can use the baby's Ki. XD

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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-07 17:23:11 » #2278330


Goku got God Ki from a trick/ritual that shortcut him to a form that uses God Ki.

God Ki in of itself is gotten by holding in and increasing (in other words condensing) regular Ki and that's how Vegeta pulled it off when in Whis' staff. God Ki is just regular Ki condensed into a different state.

That aside, regardless of if it worked or not, Caulifla would totally believe it and bang just to get it which is hot.

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