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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-19 15:22:26 » #2411105

Ah, not to spoil your fapping, but she is going to die a slow, painful death because of this. I'm not passing judgement, its just that flies lay their eggs inside warm meat, living creatures included. The eggs then hatch, and the larvae eat their way out. If the host is alive, this is a slow, painful death. My cat died of this. It was nasty.

1 Points Flag
NeptuneLove commented at 2020-03-25 08:38:32 » #2505607

Not necessarily that's not a regular fly so she'd probably be fine as it may not work the same way especially depending on the universe. plus well it's Uzume she could easily use magic on her body such as her sound waves or other powers to kill all the eggs and babies so they'd never get a chance to hatch rather less eat out of her. She could easily kill them what way. Plus in neptunia there is revival in most cases so she'd be fine plus it's only a image uzume would never be put in such a position unless she allowed it powerful people like her don't simply get abused in such ways. They could kill anything that tried in truth. So this would only be possible if she allowed it again it's just a image and there's no telling what implications could exist with other universes flies for example may not even work the same way in Gamindustri so yeah all valid arguments

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-25 08:46:16 » #2505612

It's also worth noting that the fly isn't laying eggs.

3 Points Flag
Linessia commented at 2023-01-28 20:01:17 » #2779870

I wonder what feelings she has while she is being fucked by a fly...

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