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Paruseea commented at 2018-09-05 12:07:21 » #2277601

Well, i think the teacher is just a bad teacher.
He`s giving his students zeroes while they have everything right, no wonder she`s sad, and find it unfair.

6 Points Flag
Vilikusan commented at 2023-05-01 12:11:09 » #2800259

Also, some ways of testing are just bad. I remember how I had a German language in high school, where on tests you could get like 50 points and needed over 50% to get the lowest passing grade (2 in the 1-6 grading system).

The thing is, most of things you were asked about related to writing full sentences that are incorporating different bits of knowledge, and you had to do it PERFECTLY! (or you got 0 points)
So, you could know all the vocabulary, but write the wrong grammar suffix here and there, mistake 'die' and 'das' here and there, do some other very minor mistakes (while the rest of the sentence being fully correct)... and they all were automatically giving you 0 points for given instance, even if that flawed sentence would fully understandable anyway.

So, despite of knowing all the vocabulary and answering for every single sentence, usually quite well, I quite often was still ending up with like 40%-49% on the test and the WORST grade possible... the very same grade as a dude close to me that was often giving about 70%-80% of the test just purely blank, not knowing the vocabulary and being unable to put sentences together...

That was so discouraging :'-/

You can know much and still be rated the same that someone who knows nothing, because your knowledge or memorization of suffixes tables isn't super perfect..

2 Points Flag
c2h5oh commented at 2023-05-01 12:31:03 » #2800264

Extremely confusing internationally, but:

Japanese teachers will actually use a check mark "✓" or a cross "X" to mark *wrong* answers, while using a circle "◯" for correct answers.

3 Points Flag