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kingofpokes commented at 2017-08-23 11:16:10 » #2160362

Mei should be around Touko height

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Anonymous commented at 2017-10-02 20:44:04 » #2172242

if they are all supposed to be 10, this is actually pretty accurate to kids nowadays. I've been the same height since I was 12, but I have seen 12 yearolds nowadays and they are TINY!

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MyPitah commented at 2017-10-23 05:52:20 » #2177573

@Anon : except they did not reach 10 at the same time, have they ?

From the looks of it, this chart is based solely on game release to adress the characters age and through it estimate their height. It does not take into consideration storyline, like for instance Kanto and Hoenn storyline interacting with each other in gen 3 making their protaginists about the same age. Oh well, nicely done nonetheless. :)

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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-02 13:27:56 » #2309145

Guys there is an ongoing manga for pokemon, the first number is their current age, the second number might keyword "might" indicate how old they were when they started. Though Emerald was always short.

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BluesRed commented at 2021-08-08 15:20:52 » #2637366

The first number is their assumed age, and the second number is which chapter they're taken from, as follows:

20 y. o. ? (13th Chapter)

Otherwise it'd be a little weird for the image to say it's showing Sun and Moon at 11 but that they started at 14, or that the Sinnoh trio started at a ridiculous 8.

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