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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-03 06:03:17 » #2163400

this makes so much sense

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-09 11:45:26 » #2165283

I'm gonna need someone to explain this to me

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Anonymous commented at 2018-01-17 02:35:35 » #2203318

This is basically stuff from Pokémon Sun and Moon analogized to Alice in Wonderland, more specifically the Disney animated film.

The female player character is dressed in customizable clothing that most closelymatches Alice's dress. She's carrying Doduo, an analogue to the Dodo. Lillie is the White Rabbit (not entirely certain why for this one besides that she's accompanying the player character around and being pouty a lot). Togedemaru...I have no idea what it's supposed to be.

Gladion is the Mad Hatter, Hau is the Dormouse, and someone I'm not entirely sure of is the March Hare. Caterpie is, of course, the Caterpillar, and the mushroom he likes to lie on are either Foongus or Amoonguss. Lusamine, as a villain, analogizes to the Queen of Hearts, with Guzma as the Cheshire Cat based on one scene towards the end of Pokémon Sun and Moon where he's just sitting high up somewhere, watches the player character and Lillie go by, and yells, "Y'all are stupid!" The Nihilegos may be like the card soldiers as one of them appears to be holding a paintbrush with red paint, but I'm not sure.

A missed opportunity to not have something from the Budew line in the rosebushes, especially as Roselia and Roserade have one red flower and one blue flower, and the Nihilegos could have been painting their blue flowers red.

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