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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-20 18:42:07 » #2221978

Team arslan wins daryoon defeats ed and al single handedly

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Anonymous commented at 2018-04-07 15:23:11 » #2227147

You know you should at least explain how they win, or at least how they have a bigger chance than the Elric brothers because I’ve only seen FMA(B). I mean, Edward an Al could do the same thing that Scar does and just tear your body apart with alchemy by simply touching you (because all Scar did was perform the first step of alchemy, which is deconstruction of the object in question, meaning they can destroy your body by simply doing 1/3rd of a transmutation.)

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Anonymous commented at 2018-06-17 13:18:32 » #2249579

@ Anon 2

On behalf of Anon 1 I would agree that Daryoon wins, though I do admit I have a bit more bias towards the Arslan Senki series. In the series Daryoon is able to fight armies and has even taken on a monster-like person (think of a troll or ogre being 3-5 times larger than a human) by himself in an arena-like setting. Magic users exist in the series, and while alchemy is impressive I still think that in a one-on-one fight Daryoon can defeat Edward or Alphonse by himself.

A two on two fight though I'm not sure...

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