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Anonymous commented at 2017-10-27 01:58:53 » #2178628

need yuri scene NAO

4 Points Flag
Monkeyboy commented at 2017-11-22 22:31:36 » #2186242

Fact: most men AND women love big breasts. It's just that women are usually too self-conscious or jealous to admit it.

5 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2017-11-22 23:36:15 » #2186246

Most is kind of misleading, majority is more accurate. Most sounds like something close to 80% to 90% in people' mind. The reality is it's the majority, so it's closer to 60% of men love large breasts as opposed to the 40% that don't like large breasts. So yes, a lot of guys like big breasts but it's not as one sided as it seems.

As for women, I honestly don't know. I find it interesting a woman can like other women's breasts without being gay or bi, and I know they exist. If a guy said he liked another guys abs but he's not gay we'd say he's lying but people don't bat an eye when women say that about each others bodies.

Kind of makes me wanna be a psychologist and figure out how that works.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-03 00:03:15 » #2189192

If only the camera panned down a little bit more, would have loved to see a glorious Chifusa cameltoe shot.

6 Points Flag