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CodenameViker commented at 2017-10-24 01:09:12 » #2177823

I'm sexually attracted to a cup.


19 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2017-11-03 16:05:15 » #2180804

I've been on the internet for decades and specifically seeing crazy hentai fetishes since 1999, and this still confuses me. Not the fetishization part, just... um... I'm not even sure what I should be asking here. What's the chronology? What's the story behind these events? Just "what" in general?

7 Points Flag
Blanketslate commented at 2020-08-31 01:58:17 » #2561202

Well XerBlade, if your not familiar with the now old videogame called CupHead I'm afraid I can't help you.
And if you truly were a internet purveyor, you should know someone somewhere wants to have sex with anything. And I mean anything. A cup, a wrench, a car, porcupine, sleds, the dollar bill, a phone book, the elementary school(not the kids just all the buildings), a can of water, you name it.

10 Points Flag