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Velvet_Lotus commented at 2018-04-22 16:41:33 » #2231734

That can't be good for the baby. -_-

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-24 05:51:47 » #2368978

Young mom still playing the kid huh ? guess thats why they say that the psychological disorder between childhood and adulthood would be fucked up ... hence why human society implicitely agree that adultXchild intercourse is a big no-no .

3 Points Flag
TheLocalOtaku commented at 2019-10-30 02:24:59 » #2452198

the problem with your argument #2368978 is twofold.
1) human society has NOT implicitly agreed that its a 'no, as you put it. Many countries including several in Africa and the east pacific islands, older regions of China, older families in Japan, some parts of the 'deep south' in the USA and so on, have cultures pertaining to the marriage of and thusly, sexual wellness of younger partners. were human society to implicitly agree that it is wholly wrong, this would not be the case.
2) it's a drawing you entitled tart

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