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Anonymous commented at 2017-11-28 05:58:40 » #2187877

She is a fuckbucket filled with so much Cum that she basically drowns in it. Well done. A girl in her proper Place! :-)

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-08-18 06:10:11 » #2271298

boy, you've got issues

35 Points Flag
Loli-Girl commented at 2018-08-25 18:28:30 » #2273948

I'd absolutely love to be kept as someone's slave and get transported like this whenever he wants to take me somewhere...tied up, completely filled with and bathing in his cum, with only a small tube for me to breathe through...<3

19 Points Flag
Kaede-Nyan commented at 2022-01-28 17:51:32 » #2684075

3/4 of you need a bit of kinkshaming. Thank god the character here's a machine who doesn't need oxygen, or else this'd be fucked up on so many levels.

2 Points Flag
lewdest_loli commented at 2022-05-29 23:27:52 » #2716058

Ugh, that's gonna get all dry and crusty by the time she leaves, you'd need to cut her hair to near baldness to even salvage it. Her eyelashes would get all crusty too... and the STENCH... Oh GOD the absolute STENCH that'll emanate off of her... Not to mention how you've ruined a perfectly good bag, both from dry cum and the smell radiating off of it.

3 Points Flag