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GeorgeFah commented at 2017-12-18 01:40:04 » #2193744

The chaos gods can grant team RWBY more power than Salem or Ozpin combined.
The ruinous powers are far superior to Grimm.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-19 07:30:18 » #2194119

Remnant is more screwed if the chaos gods enter their world than salem.

1 Points Flag
Ghost_of_Zeon commented at 2022-09-18 14:00:30 » #2750413

ok this maybe just me but i think the the artest got the gods wrong some
Yang would be more likely krone or slaanesh cause of her self indulgent nature and well punch it first mind set.
Wiess would be nurgal cause well she has daddy issues and pappa nurgal would be so much better father figure then her real one it not even be a issue.
Blake would be more open to tezeach cause she wants to change the world and thats what he dose he causes changes.
Ruby as kroneite is not a stretch but again it feels off as she is all about team work and helping her friends and being happy and makeing others happy i could see tezech using her tecky side to corrupt her or slaanesh warping her want to help others and the feel good of saving people in to a addiction.

this is my thoughts based on who the rwby girls are and how the chaos gods work...

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