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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-22 09:25:13 » #2195043

I haven't read watamote in ages so why are they yandere over Tomoko?

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captainikag commented at 2018-01-16 20:15:59 » #2203209

I read it kinda occasionally (don't pay too much attention to details though) and they're just trying to get along w/ Kuroki for the most part, but the girl in back has an actual crush on her. Don't know why they're yandere here lmao.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-01-16 20:47:22 » #2203219

Brighthaired Girl: " Come, let's go and RAPE someone! :D "
Darkhaired Girl: " !? But why now of all times ... ... ? "
Background Girl: " Aaah Ô_Ô here they go, again ... ... "

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Anonymous commented at 2018-02-12 13:04:24 » #2211266

Well i is kinda like this.

Ucchi has a stalker crush on Tomoko.
Yuri is possessive and violent.
Nemoto is irritated because Tomoko doesn't remember her.

The above his is the true nature of the girls. However Tomoko sees them as:

Ucchi some random girl.
Yuri just a loner that has a hard time talking with people.
Nemoto as a yandere lesbian.

So when you read the manga, all scenes where it looks like Nemoto is acting like a yandere, you have to remember that those scenes are showing us how Tomoko view things. Meanwhile Nemoto's situation would probably have been different if she had just managed to continue the conversation with Tomoko at the entrance exam or if Tomoko had taken the queue and remembered her all the time when she was dropping hints while in class. One of the first things she told Tomoko was after all:

"I'm happy you remember my name, people often don't remember me".

Unfortunately Tomoko didn't remember her... (most likely because of her having dyed her hair etc)

But Nemoto seem to realize this. How would both of their highchool lives turned out if not for that blunder on Tomoko's part? Or if Nemoto had just had more courage and talked more with her? Tomoko for one wouldn't have been a loner as she would have at least had one friend... but Hina wouldn't have been forced to hide being an Otaku and as such hadn't forced herself to make friends with all the "normies". Would the teacher have tried forcing Tomoko to make more friends if she had noted hat Tomoko already had Hina?

So Hina had to hide her real self and as such her first two highschool years were hard on her, but on the other hand it gained her a new friend in Akane.

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