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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-26 23:42:09 » #2196430

Just a little push and there is one less litter bug in the world.

6 Points Flag
artperson123 commented at 2023-03-31 22:12:01 » #2793224

Someone put Happy as one of the tags but this isn't a happy scene. The boy is going to commit suicide by jumping to his death and the girl judging from her tears knows this and is sorrowful, she probably had a crush on him and the paper airplane was most likely a letter of confession. Perhaps the act of her shooting it through the air like discarded garbage while wearing that strained smile is her way of trying to let go.

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artperson123 commented at 2023-03-31 22:17:00 » #2793226

That's my interpretation anyway, the artists title on twitter could be eluding to another meaning, though I know the suicide part is at least accurate since that's one of the most prominent themes within his work.

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