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Anonymous commented at 2018-01-01 19:18:42 » #2198337

Can you believe this big nipple Brickhouse never got a special for herself.... the cross-dressing goddess Akira may have been neglected, but at least she got some form of extra. This quasi-milf pretty much only has this one bath scene. God, VD was like a roller coaster of potential moments, going up and down at random intervals with no idea if your favorite girl was going to get anything more than a passing moment of perversion before the story refocused on Mamori's annoying voice antics.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-01-02 11:38:08 » #2198551

Real shame on that, yeah. Kaneko's team has this really good eye for making girls that are thick in all the right areas, something you don't get to see in ecchi much....wish she had been in the show more.

9 Points Flag