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twilight_jester commented at 2018-01-14 08:58:04 » #2202336

in space no one can see her without her underwear or take a picture of it.

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LivingCorpse commented at 2018-01-14 16:53:51 » #2202436

Was gonna make a joke about spy sats but remembered they don't have the tech to get things into outer space.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-06 04:19:05 » #2256123

Its less the tech, and more they don't have a fuel source that'll work. They could probably build a rocket that can reach space, the issue is their only real way to fuel it is Dust. And, Dust stops working on the way out of Remnant's atmosphere, so it'd just decelerate and drift just barely out into space, and get stuck cause no way to propel itself in space.. Or it'd stop before reaching space, and.. fall back to the surface.

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