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Anonymous commented at 2018-01-28 18:18:31 » #2207020

Actually ... (insert internet meme fatty face here)

No, seriously, Pluto is once again a planet, a so called "dwarf planet".
Dunno what shadman's logic is based upon (probably stuck at the '80 or earlier?) but this is just irrational and wrong.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-01-28 23:55:06 » #2207115

I'm pretty sure its just a joke about the fact that Pluto wasn't a planet and wasn't it confirmed to be a asteroid or was that changed?

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-01-29 11:25:31 » #2207221

i think you will find that even a dwarf planet doesnt count as a "real planet" because it isnt a full fledged planet. much like the girl in picture is a little girl and the other "planets" are prob grown ups, thus she is small compared to them... get the context o.o

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-14 16:34:05 » #2211813

Stupidity is a disease Anon 3 don't let Anon 1 get to you lmfao

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-06 09:56:28 » #2288944

pluto is small, but technically so are the gass giant planets if i remember correctly... those two only big due to the gas. Could be wrong and i'll likely check that soon for the heck of it. i wanna comfort the girl though.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-15 15:08:44 » #2336810

Are you all bloody daft???? Pluto was a planet from 1930 until 2006, they created the new classification 'Dwarf Planet' in 2006, and Pluto was demoted. Many other Dwarf Planets (Ceres, Makemake, etc) were asteroids, and the promoted to Dwarf Planets in 2006 when the classification was created. Pluto was never an Asteroid, it was never promoted back to a planet, and a Dwarf Planet is not "technically still a planet"

Also Pluto was not demoted because it was too small. It was Demoted because it doesn't control it's local system. (It has many small moons, and it's point rotation on it's axis it outside itself thanks to the gravity of Charon.)

6 Points Flag
FriendofAlice commented at 2019-06-16 03:41:47 » #2394309

I get the inclusion of Pluto as a planet would release the floodgates for any number of dwarf planets to be confirmed but this breaks my heart.

3 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2022-05-31 20:10:41 » #2716517

Planetary classifications are still hotly debated, and even to this day a lot in the IAU weren't happy with what happened to Pluto. To such a degree that a lot of the transcripts from 2006 have curiously gone missing.

Frankly, one can argue that Pluto is still a planet. One can argue that being a dwarf planet is what it should be. Hell, one can make a serious argument that it and Charon should be considered a double planet, and this can also go for the Earth and Moon as well.

1 Points Flag
emmacutie010 commented at 2023-04-01 15:40:29 » #2793360

shes so cute

0 Points Flag