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GrrDraxin commented at 2018-04-26 23:14:14 » #2233011

Via google translate; title and description:
Breakfast at the drink bar

It is an illustration of Succubus when I hit a place sleeping to fill hunger and bullied.

"I just got done delivering 2 hours ago and I want to go to bed ..."
Saku "O, I am hungry ..."
"What is the mug in that hand for?"
Saku "Wow, because I am a child and need to eat well ..."
"Hey, people are not dairy cows or drink bars ..."
Saku "I am OK! I remember resuscitation magic!"
"It's dead! Because it's succubus, I'm talking like safe but I'm out if I replace it with a vampire!"

Ok, guess it's to be expected living with a succubus.

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