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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-06 20:45:23 » #2278118

Panel 1: *SFX* DODODODODODODODODO (explosions)
Panel 2:
Kitakami: Awright! The fifth of the Four Heavenly Queens is done for! (yeah, I know, fifth of four...)
Maya: Wait, don't relax. Something's coming!
Panel 3: *SFX* ZU ZU ZU (which continues into the next two panels eventually becoming ZUI ZUI ZUI)
Panel 4:
Zuikaku: That's...
Panel 5:
Crane Princess: I'm your shadow... your true self... (Persona reference)
Caption: Abyssal Crane Princess
Panel 6: *SFX* ZUI♪ ZUI♪ ZUI♪ ZUI♪ ZUI♪
Zuikaku: NOOOOOOO!!! STOP IT!!!

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