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Neko_Sayuki commented at 2018-03-09 17:12:36 » #2218751

That's a rather... dramatic reaction to seeing her first dick. What, did the guy make a dramatic show of whipping it out? XD

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-29 01:16:10 » #2224509

His angle-perfect, frame-perfect penal fling caught the female speedrunner on Twitch off-guard. It's a simple reaction, really.

1 Points Flag
WOrwell commented at 2021-05-27 07:59:45 » #2616286


Not only are these creatures not even human, they don't have reproductive organs nor do they know about gender.
Furthermore they see humans (long extinct in the story) as mysterious, deity-like beings they descended from.
So yeah, seeing a dick would be very shocking to them.

1 Points Flag