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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 00:01:53 » #2221121

wackiest and dumbest transformation ever in DB franchise.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 02:30:26 » #2221157

Oh come the hell on.

SSJ3 turned Goku into a golden Sonic the Hedgehog with no fucking eyebrows. Oh, I loved it, yeah. But let's be absolutely real here, that shit was without context or substance and just as uninspired. 100% lazy.

Why did his eyebrows disappear and kinda bulge out? No reason besides headcannon, right? Right. We sure as hell got no explanation in manga or anime. If I'm wrong, prove it. I'll apologize.

Why did this brand new and suddenly super powerful transformation get mastered by two fused children almost immediately after it was introduced at all? After fusion itself was just then introduced only a bit before? Not only did SSJ3 get carted to a new character in the exact same arc, but was slapped onto a fusion that had you striking poses like Ginyu.

This is the wackiest and dumbest? Because... why again?

Sure, Ultra Instinct being mastered in less than an hour is fucking bananas. Completely agree. The foreshadowing and all that doesn't excuse it, nor does saying that Goku's history of doing similar feats makes it okay. Nope. Still an asspull, by many degrees.

But at least it *was* foreshadowed. At least we saw *any* progression towards it being mastered. At least the transformation made *some* manner of sense thanks to that. It had a serious drawback and mastering it didn't mean he was without facing consequences for its use. SSJ3's consequence didn't take you down and out of the fight for any real length of time. Goku and Gotenks were still *capable* of fighting at all once it burned out. It may have fit the SSJ motif with spiky golden hair, but really it was all flash and shamefully executed on the whole.

Who did either of its user happen to defeat with it again? What's that? No one you say? Hm.

And if you're talking "ever in DB franchise", that's an even worse asspull than Ultra Instinct at all.

Honestly. Ever?

Worse than Buu with Piccolo's shoulder pads? Doesn't matter how long it lasted. That shit was stupid. You know I'm right. Fat Gotenks? Do I need to address how that happened just because they didn't get those goofy ass poses right? Do you remember how that whole incident turned out?

Are we just gonna overlook the pink-haired variant of SSJ named after a wine... for no damn reason? Yeah? Okay.

Mastered Ultra Instinct is not worse than any of the above. By a long shot. It also isn't perfect, could have been handled better without a single shred of doubt, and felt rushed by comparison to how strong it happens to be. But if you were to sit and ask me which I'd take: UI or Bio-Broly...

I mean, maybe that last isn't exactly a power-up, but dammit I'm still calling bullshit on it! Doesn't matter if its a movie, either. It's part of the franchise. And it was easily worse, as were others.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 02:34:39 » #2221159

And when I say SSJ3's eyebrow thing had no reason, seeing the ape form in the transformation isn't an explanation. It's just a way to make really good guesses at why. SSJ4 was a more solid reasoning for its end result, with actual explanations given as to why it could be done.

Sorta bullshit reason, yeah... but reasons. But since GT isn't cannon anymore, I'm excluding using a machine on Vegeta for it. Seems fair enough, I think.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 21:03:14 » #2221429

GT is canon. I wish people would not misinterpret "not the main timeline" to "doesnt exist". If SSJ4 didn't exist it would not be in promo material, games and referenced constantly in other venues outside of Super.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 21:36:48 » #2221434

^So Broly is canon if we go by that logic. SS4 still exists as a part of the overall franchise but it no long exists within the main canon of Dragonball.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 22:04:18 » #2221441

Considering not Super nor GT are great, and that by neither standards "canon" means "good", I would advice to consider canon whatever you want and just enjoy the ride; yeah, even that self-insert fanfic you made when you were 11 years old and a little edgy bitch.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 22:17:32 » #2221444

You consider it canon. Many people don't. Your argument could be applied to movie characters as well, and if you're going to try and say that those are canon also, then you're clearly using some lesser accepted definition of the term. It's not that simple in the case of GT and Super, and the term is as accurate as it is false thanks to the sloppy handling and planning of both entities.

I'm not going to go into all the reasons why, but it's safe to say that until we get some concrete answers that connect the two series' properly, treating GT as non-canon is as fair as still wanting it to be, whatever your theories on how that's possible. All we've got for those answers is headcannon theorizing. That's not in-story evidence. Separate mediums are separate mediums. We can't use that as proof for or against anything.

So if that's you sole take, then your wish cannot be granted.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-19 18:11:56 » #2221673

God, Dragon Ball comment sections are always insufferable... You'd think it would vary a little from place to place, but it's the same shit no matter where you go.

Fighting, arguing, bitching, moaning, canon this, non-canon that, anime vs. manga arguments, snark, spite, long-winded diatribes over nothing of actual merit... From official forums, to Youtube, to porn comment sections, you can't bloody escape the arguing.

There's no respite anywhere on the internet if you're remotely interested in Dragon Ball.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-20 03:10:44 » #2221794

A comment section full of pesky, pointless squabbles for the sake of a franchise most of us love and want to share - regardless of the methods or intentions... or everybody wanking off the material like a pack of hungry wet Zenos just because they dislike hearing negativity - which plagues nearly every fanbase that's worth a damn (from anime to manga to comic books and so on)?

Take your pick.

Personally, I'm happy with the crappy fandom that exists, even though I hate some of the division that Super has caused in us. It beats it being all but dead, and by most accounts, its amazing that it isn't.

I mean... I hear you. I do. But this shit ain't new, and you complaining about people complaining... It doesn't exactly do you or anyone any real favors, now does it? It contributes even less than the people who fit the dynamics you're against. Perhaps less.

No hate. Just saying.

You want a respite? Take one. Whose stopping you? You want like-minded, non-argumentative folk in your fanbase? Neat. Seriously. I wouldn't mind that myself. But you know... opinions and free-will and shit. Crazy, huh?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-21 10:29:51 » #2222179

All internet fanbases are cancer. Dragonball isn't unique in that area. If you're looking for 'intelligent conversation', don't bother going anywhere near the likes of youtube.

And frankly there are far worse ones out there, unfortunately...

2 Points Flag