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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-21 16:19:20 » #2222270

Like Nintendo fanboys for example. Oh boy, they will hound anyone who has problems with any games they like (Zelda anyone?)

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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-24 13:08:57 » #2223056

@ Anon 9:

The only respite one can have from the arguing is to literally not engage with online interaction at all. Like I mentioned at the end of my previous comment, if you have any interest in pursuing Dragon Ball related discussion online, this is all you get. It's either deal with hateful squabbling or don't discuss Dragon Ball at all. Just because you're content to have a "crappy" fandom that's always at each other's throats, doesn't mean it's fine for it to be that way.

Complaining about complaining is pointless? So what? Constantly retreading dead arguments doesn't change anything either. Is it not valid to step back and point out how miserable a commuhity has become? Is it better to just keep one's head down and never address the meta issues or vent about how widespread the problem is? It's ridiculous that serious, multi-paragraph conversations like this even exist in places like this. That's the whole point. The arguing is so ingrained in the fandom, it's present in every place with even the tiniest crumb of Dragon Ball in it.

Also, I know full well that different people have different opinions, so don't condescend to me amount how "crazy" the notion of free will and opinions is like I don't understand the concept. I'm not demanding that everyone step into line and share the same opinions like drones, so don't act like I am. I don't like most of DBS, so I'm not put off my negativity (if anything, criticism is strangulated). I'd just like to see the bickering over well-beaten horses either end or at least be kept where it belongs and not have it infiltrate every facet of the series' existence.

Also, quit with the wiser than thou/above it all behind a veneer of faux kindess, thing. Don't butter me up by "agreeing" with my points then still treat me like an invalid for voicing them. I know damn well how fruitless it is to decry an unbalanced community that doesn't give a shit how messed up it is - on a porn site no less. I just commented to vent how obnoxious it is to see the same bullshit no matter where you go and to even find it here on Gelbooru too. Truly, no place is free of it and this whole discussion is an ironic farce that illustrates exactly what I'm talking about.

@ Anon 10:

I wasn't calling for "intelligent discussion" in my original comment, so I'm not sure what you're quoting. If anything, I'm asking for appropriate discussion to be kept to it's appropriate place and not drag arguments into places it doesn't belong - "intelligent" or no.

I know that fandoms all have thier "cancerous" side, but not all such sides are as widespread as others. Many communities are relatively pleasant with isolated pockets of toxicity here and there, but in some communities (like Dragon Ball), it makes up the bulk of its online presence. It's exhausting when the only thing you ever see in a community is arguing and precious little else. Conversations like this shouldn't have to exist.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-25 08:28:55 » #2223280

Agreed Anon 10. As bad as the Dragonball fanbase can be at times, it's far more tolerable then certain others...

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