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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-18 18:51:02 » #2221385

... would this count as a wardrobe malfunction?

4 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2018-03-18 18:53:34 » #2221387

Jokes on you Honey, you forgot your Panty this time. <3

5 Points Flag
secret64 commented at 2018-06-12 21:51:28 » #2248077

Oh wow, I was fooled! You sure do have panties on like I wasn't expecting. I'm glad you showed me that or else I would have been standing here this whole time thinking you were naked under there like you absolutely are not right now. Yes your pussy region where I am currently staring is totally covered by the opaque material that is the cloth your panties are made of preventing me from viewing your bare pussy skin which you have elected to not allow me to see. You have however granted me the unfortunate, but still not unpleasant, mere sight of your underwear in the attempt to bamboozle me into thinking that my eyes were about to gaze upon the indecent area of your body known as your vagina only to subsequently confuse me as I then perceive that which I have not anticipated in order to fulfill your desire to amuse yourself for having succeeded in besting my ability to predict future occurrences via an unforeseen deception involving the hijacking of my emotionally driven excitement to satiate my frivolous desire for sexual stimulation in the form of visual input impairing my higher reasoning skills which I otherwise would have utilized to analyze the situation giving me a higher probability to conclude that there was in fact a ruse afoot to coerce me into believing my vision would be given the opportunity to process the image of an unobstructed female crotch as opposed to the reality that I would be shown a woven barrier to that which you are aware I actually long to see.

30 Points Flag
cannon9009 commented at 2018-09-03 01:18:50 » #2276869

>> #2248077

you need to take this from a 10 down to a 4

5 Points Flag
secret64 commented at 2019-05-23 17:08:24 » #2382816

naked girl pretty

7 Points Flag
lolifan56 commented at 2019-05-23 17:13:37 » #2382817

She's adorable <3

1 Points Flag
TheWeaboo27 commented at 2019-10-29 22:50:27 » #2452152

secret64's comment is underrated

4 Points Flag