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AlwaysJohn commented at 2018-03-22 04:56:16 » #2222430

Thanatos? It was supposed to be Orpheus, isn't?
I mean, it is Protag3 starter personal just like Izanagi and Arsene.

3 Points Flag
TopBread commented at 2018-03-22 16:20:34 » #2222574

well the protags initial summon in the beginning was Thanatos, not Orpheus, so there is that. He never becomes directly relevant to the plot though. he is only the ultimate persona for the death arcana which in a way doesn't twist back to the plot but then that be spoilers and even though the game is 8 years old people would still be upset by them

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KhightMare commented at 2018-07-06 08:59:55 » #2256186

Minatos initial summon was Orpheus, Thanatos emerged from inside Orpheus symbolizing how Death was inside Minato. But Minatos inner self personified is definitely Orpheus.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-24 12:19:00 » #2305779

No. Makoto's initial persona is indeed Orpheus. Might want to watch the initial summoning scene in 3 again. Each Starter Persona from 3 onwards for the main character is always of the Fool Arcana. Orpheus is of the Fool Arcana while Thanatos is of the Death Arcana. The only person that uses Thanatos as an initial Persona is Elizabeth, a former attendant of the Velvet Room.

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