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Anonymous commented at 2018-03-28 14:43:52 » #2224375

Whis said for Goku and Vegeta - who have fought alongside one another for years now - needed to work on their teamwork. In the end, it was Freeza who paired up most perfectly with Goku, even though they only had two brawls and hardly knew each other beyond that.

Huh. Well... at least it was a change of pace... I suppose. Yeah?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-04-01 15:50:05 » #2225485

Let's be real here,
The Z fighters' teamwork isn't so good. It's not because of how some of the fighters don't jump in to join the fight, I can understand why some would have to do the battles alone. It's just in general that they're too focused on their own stregnths that they don't expect the weaker allies to do anything. The stronger fighters are so used to fighting alone that they sometimes barely think about the allies fighting with them.

Like that episode when Goku and Tien goes against Gohan and Piccolo. It basically became a Goku vs Gohan battle in like a minute.

And at the start of the tournament the z fighters strategy was to stick together, but the fighters that were more interested in the battles immediately do their own thing, completely rejecting a strategy that revolves around teamwork.

Dragon ball super is an EPIC series, but when it comes to actually fighting with one another for more than 20 minutes than that becomes a problem in believing in your allies abilities.

The most important thing about battles is having someone being by your shoulders at all times

Even without transformations like ultra instinct, the fighters still would've won if they paid more attention to each other

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BigStudBen commented at 2018-04-01 15:57:32 » #2225487

I love Dragon Ball, but they could learn a thing or 2 from YuYu Hakusho. They could develop all characters evenly without stealing the Spotlight from Goku & Vegeta... <3

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