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Anonymous commented at 2018-05-11 09:51:15 » #2237664

hoobamon copied this from a photo of miharu usa, even the fucking light on the water and the hair are completely identical

the hack copies photos for all his art

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-08-23 10:17:11 » #2273060

Most artists do; that's why painters often use models... photos are models you don't have to pay. Think twice before calling someone creating something you are incapable of a 'hack.'

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-08-27 08:32:54 » #2274480

Greg Land is still fair game, though, right?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-13 23:30:22 » #2393235

First, that's an ad hominem fallacy: whether someone is able to do something does neither guarrantees nor precludes their ability to evaluate it. If you really need a counter example to that attack, take 'quality control'.

Second, merely copying a photograph, _especially_ if it's hand made or painstakingly crafted, is crass, banal, stupid, etc. What did this picture add that the source did not already provide? Likely not much.
It's the same for using a model, except that now we are not only wasting the time of the painter, but also of the model.

The above second point was, of course, for the case wherein the artist _merely copied_ what he saw from the photograph or model. If the artist made his result different from the source, then it's not so bad, but, also, merely making something different is not necessarily good. The question goes on until we get to the end question: What information did the consumer get from it which he would otherwise have a great difficulty or a low probability getting, and how valuable was that information to his life?

Of course, I understand that this is a porn site, but you can still have standards for what erotic entertainment or erotic art you consume. I for one think this picture is not bad, but it's oobviously not good, as there's not much going on, neither intellectually, nor erotically, which any idiot with an imagination couldn't have thought of, especially given a description of the the anatomical and psychological characteristics of the character, and the situation in which he finds himself, so I cannot in good conscious reccomend this to anyone, except, perhaps, to people who are merely starting out in their consumption of erotic art, and even then, it's unlikely. The artist seems almost good. If he put some more work into _creating_ and adding details, I think he'd be good.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-14 07:47:45 » #2393374

Whatever the origin, this pic is beautiful and sparks all kinds of dreams!

2 Points Flag