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Cruisinginthe1980s commented at 2018-04-27 04:37:16 » #2233084

The second this bitch's character art was revealed, I knew she was a total whore.

And yes, I understand this is merely a hentai depiction, wherein pretty much any character can assume the role of a token slut, BUT I could very realistically see this being a canon extra-curricular activity Suiren would participate in on a daily basis.

Just look at her guzzling down that disgusting, clumpy semen... Her body is practically owned by the public; all those poor Alolan (read Hawaiian) dudes gotta put up with the overbearing heat and humidity 24/7, if it wasn't for Suiren's willingness to satisfy their needs, they would likely go on a sexual rampage throughout the entire region!

Not only is she a trial captain at freaking 11 years old, but she's also the ultimate philanthropist (relieving the sexual suffering of her people one cock at a time). Someone get this girl a Nobel Peace Prize :o

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