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zerocount7 commented at 2018-04-29 05:21:02 » #2233673

So that is the scenario where Lilly want to become a UB-Hybrid too?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-04-29 22:34:24 » #2233889

Na i think...this the scenario she caught her mothers UB form...and realized she was in complete control

6 Points Flag
Cruisinginthe1980s commented at 2018-04-29 22:51:57 » #2233895

I still haven't played the Gen 7 Pokemon games yet...

Are they any good? I've heard interesting but conflicting things about the narrative elements being either great or subpar depending on the reviewer. I mean, don't get me wrong, story isn't everything in a game (since the gameplay is by far the most important factor contributing to one's overall enjoyment) but since Gen 5, I've been craving another entry in the series with a mature narrative backdrop to accompany the grind.

The Alola region appears rather lackluster when compared to the greats like Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn. Not the biggest fan of the idea to remove conventional Gym Leader battles in favor of the new Trial Captain system. And quite frankly the Elite 4 members are some of the shittiest designs I have ever seen in my life xD But I am willing to listen to anybody vouching for these games. Don't be afraid to spoil things for me, as it really doesn't make a difference lol.

I also find Lillie sexy as fucking hell, but that is neither here nor there so I will restrain myself on gushing about her for the time being ^^;

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-05-05 03:10:02 » #2235621


S/M/US/UM is more like a relaxing vacation than an adventure, as in, it's kind of boring.

To their credit the developers tried to do something a little bit different than most other Pokemon games but in my opinion it was a good try with a sub par result.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-05-05 05:05:12 » #2235631


It’s probably one of my favorite Pokemon gens in the series. The battles can be very challenging even with an EXP share on. Some of the totem pokemon were really tough to handle if you didn’t have the best pokemon for it and Guzma is no pushover with his Golisopod.

The Elite Four is actually pretty interesting. Acerola and Kahili were my favorite E4 battles and since you become the first champion of Alola, you get a whole list of challengers coming to fight you after beating the E4 (only 10 I believe).

The story is also pretty good, but it can get overbearing at times since you’re not able to skip the dialogue and let me tell you, there is a lot of it. The characters and villains are one of the best parts of the game for me, especially Lillie since she gets the most development out of everyone.

My least favorite part about Gen 7 is just how lackluster it is with new pokemon, grinding spots and post game content. I think USUM fixed that but I’m not sure since I didn’t finish it because it’s just the same game but with a few tweaked differences in Alolan Trials, battles and more added post game content like Team Rainbow Rocket.

So yea, that’s my thoughts on Gen 7. It has flaws like very low frame rates in double battles but those and others are mostly overshadowed by its well written story, loveable characters, and challenging battles and gameplay.

Also yes, Lille is really cute. Especially with her ponytail.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-26 12:12:07 » #2295842

The difficulty is not challenging if you use the exp share, in fact, if you do that, the game breaks absolutely. The easiest I have ever played. But if you don't use it, it's not so bad. The challenge is interesting in the begining (in the end, as always, it gets easier).

Pokemon sun and moon is maybe the generation of pokemon that have brought back more old players. I came back and most of my friends. And it is the generation that disappointed more players also XD, many abandoned pokémon after it.

They promised a lot of different things but in the end, they tricked us. There is no gyms but there is something similar. There is story, but it's ridiculously cheesy. There are many characters but they are completely plain. There are cinematics but they are slow and boring.

A lot of us felt really tricked with sun and moon. Not bad games, but do not pay attention to those who sell it to you as wonderful games because they are not. They are minor games in the pokemon franchise. Still nothing like black/white and their sequels.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-26 14:05:05 » #2295869

Has ANY pokemon game ever been truly difficult?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-26 15:04:46 » #2295878

in multiplayer with the meta bullshit sure, but its a kids first RPG sort of thing. not really something even your avarage gamer would consider top tier.

2 Points Flag