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castorman commented at 2018-05-24 10:45:36 » #2241804

さあ、 それじゃロマンコでしごいてもらおうか♪
Sā, sore ja romanko de shigoite moraou ka ♪
(I read ロマンコ, romanko, something like romance, but with a slightly different kanji you get 口マンコ, kuchimanko, mouth-pussy/blowjob... was there a pun ?)
Hmm, well then let's have you to work hard on that romance/blowjob, right ? ♪

うっ... く... わかった...
フ` フン…この程度どうってことない!!
u~tsu... Ku... Wakatta...
Fu `fun… kono teido dō tte koto nai!!
Uh... ku... I got it...
H, hmph... that degree/amount is nothing special

(Oioi… dorafu no mono tte kon'nani de chikara i no Kayo... )
(Oi Oi... are Draph's things that strong...)

(spent too much time on the first sentence and to figure that ドラフ / draph was a race's name...
well, crap translation, feel free to improve)

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