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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-04 08:51:10 » #2288290

I'm sorry, Admiral, but I need to pee badly.

It's okay, Hamakaze. I understand.

I need to go and relieve myself?

Why not relieve yourself here?

You mean that I pee myself in front of you?

Yes, what's there to be embarrassed about? It's just a bodily function after all?

But it'll make a mess!

Here, you can pee into the litter bin?


Aaaahhhh! That was badly needed!

It sounded as if it really was badly needed. Ummm, Hamakaze, would you let me pull down your pantyhose and panties and then wipe your pussy lips, and then once I've done so, would you let me penetrate you really deeply and inseminate you.

I'd really like that, Admiral. Thank you.

Good grief, you really needed to go badly, didn't you?

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