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Coalition commented at 2018-06-14 19:32:38 » #2248722

They could put the bullets elsewhere, seeing how many it took to fill her up

1 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2018-06-15 16:46:28 » #2249003

DrNapalm: Have you ever played a multiplayer game, and get frustrated because a sniper keeps on killing you, especially when it's a 13 year old trash talking who quick and no scopes you. Well look no further, we have the mother of all snipers, Yoko Littner, captured as she's forced to take the punishment of her people, being unloaded on with 5.56 sim rounds (training paint bullets). Yoko's fixing to be rather sore the next couple of weeks.

Originally I had an idea to do this with my OC Naomi, where she would have sensory deprivation and thinking she's fixing to be shot to death for a mind torture of execution, and then after she's "shot", her blind fold would be taken off to reveal she's only been shot with paintballs.......followed by the blndfold being placed back on as they still have ammo to use on her.

I actually love sim-round training, it's fun and can be used with your AR's, and also reminds me of my paintball days.

5 Points Flag