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Goldak commented at 2018-06-16 05:30:07 » #2249153

I don't understand Levy - why is she with Gajeel, even though he almost killed her when they first met?

0 Points Flag
TheDojinLover commented at 2018-06-16 05:45:47 » #2249155

@Goldak You need to watch/read Fairy Tail again because you clearly missed a lot of their developments both on an individual and relational level. they didn't end up together over night, it took time and intricate progression.

Gajeel x Lexy is one of the adorable ships. because it shows us that an egotistical battle maniac can change himself into a kind-hearted gentleman given the right person and conditions. it also shows that Levy is willing to forget and forgive if she notices a change in someone for the better.

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