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Anonymous commented at 2018-06-19 16:49:19 » #2250446

How much can you post the same thing?

0 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2018-06-20 09:36:18 » #2250733

4 times
English with sound effects
English without sound effects
Japanese with sound effects
Japanese without sound effects

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-14 11:26:24 » #2434658

So, moving on a vaginal dildo will make the anal dildo of other girl active. The question is, WHAT THE POINT? What does this give to them? Why would they do this? There is no way to "win" this room, so what the point of even doing anything?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-14 11:33:01 » #2434664

Hey, it makes as much sense as most of the Saw movies. Who cares, its entertaining

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-25 03:48:20 » #2438596

#2434664, it makes even less sense! Locking people in one place, giving them weapons and forcing them to kill each other is stupid but entertaining. Giving people weapons but not telling them to kill each other and not giving them any reasons to do it (and they are good friends so they won't start to do this on their own) is stupid and stupid.

(I know that Saw is not about weapons, it's just an abstract example.)

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