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ComboBreaking commented at 2018-06-21 17:26:04 » #2251307

>Before I edited the tags, there was the artist_request tag instead.
Really? REALLY!?
I mean, I wouldn't say anything if a new user didn't know about Sindoll, but a user fully dedicated on furry uploads, that has 'KemonoLover' in their name, doesn't bother to tag the name of what I myself consider be one of the best Japanese furry artist out there?
That's it! I'll take this and upload them from here now, thank you very much.

3 Points Flag
Bob_Toronja commented at 2020-08-03 10:43:13 » #2555692

Bro, don't be stupid, please, not everyone has to remember every single artists despite his/her popularity, sometimes you just forget about names, for example, I knew the art style but I didn't remember the artist name.

Humans tends to forget things, even popular ones, so don't be mad about it.

5 Points Flag