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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-02 14:18:49 » #2254933

Request incoming! Love this scene to death, I'm glad someone requested this GIF. I did the whole scene so look out for more!
If you have a scene or moment you'd like made into a GIF from Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Kagaku na Yatsura, leave a comment or send me a PM with the details. Enjoy!!!

3 Points Flag
scorpi032 commented at 2021-05-28 00:22:42 » #2616434

I'm willing to be corrected, but I don't think Uno Makoto actually drew this. They were credited as the character designer (not the lead artist) for Seikon no Qwaser, but they're not listed at all for the second series. So many dozens of people worked on the art in this series, but it might make more sense to list Junichi Higashi (primary art director) as the artist.
Or just leave the artist off altogether.

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