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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-05 16:29:42 » #2255917

No pesky hand this time.
Touko's body is basically the same as Ayana's with a few minor changes that show she's the older and more matured sister. A firmer and more toned body, thicker nipples, she might not be as sensitive as Ayana but she definitely still has high sensitivity and has greater libido. And while she doesn't lactate on command like Ayana, she still can lactate and she's shown to have great aptitude for lactation in high quantities (although that MIGHT just be the influence if that one drug she took). Truly an idol woman.
Anyway, if you have a GIF request for Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Kagaku na Yatsura leave a comment or send me a PM with the details. Tell me what you guys think of the GIF, and enjoy!!!

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