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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-06 08:51:00 » #2256181

What's Ruby dressed as?

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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-06 22:52:21 » #2256378

I would assume someone of high social and possibly of noble standards of Great Britain. Her fashion style is like that of the early 19th century some time before the First World War. Of course I could be wrong but I’m sure that’s the era of fashion she has on. For a lack of better understanding, that could be the attire that the person who drives the carriages of a noble/rich person around.

It may seem out of place when comparing it to Wiess but she’s covered from shoulder to shin in a jacket so she could be wearing an outfit of the same era as well.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-07 04:28:10 » #2256452

It's a parody of "The Greatest Showman"; Ruby's supposed to be dressed as the titular Ringmaster, P.T. Barnum (Played by Hugh Jackman in the musical about his life).

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