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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-06 16:08:24 » #2256281

Make sure you get the WHOLE breast, Oume. Scrub it thoroughly and really get down into those pores. And don't forget the nipple. Many neglect it, but it needs just as much attention.
Haha! I really like this scene, in case you couldn't tell.
If you have a GIF request for Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Kagaku na Yatsura leave me a comment or send me a PM with the details. Thanks and enjoy!!!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-07 07:43:06 » #2256475

Hey. Heres a tip for you; dont upload gigantic gifs. They takes forever to load

Either make smaller gifs or post webm

3 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-07 12:37:47 » #2256517

I've had too many compliments to do that. People wanted high res GIFs and I gave it to them. I'm willing to wait 20 seconds for a GIF to load if it means I can view them in 1080p. And a lot of the GIFs I upload are already GIFs uploaded to the site, just in smaller resolution. If it takes forever for you to load them, either be patient or improve your internet connection. (No disrespect)
Though I don't know how to make webms I would learn to make them and upload them for the sake of adding audio to the media. But that's only if enough people ask for it. Otherwise webms are just another form of GIFs only compressed, put in a video format, and often times without audio.

5 Points Flag